LACC provides legal aid and support services to women and girls who are facing various forms of discrimination and violence, including gender-based violence, child marriage, and domestic violence. It further provides legal services to people who are facing criminal charges, including court representation, and support for bail applications. It also works to promote fair and transparent criminal justice systems. LACC has also been undertaking projects that orient community-based actors for gender-responsive justice and advocate for familiarizing gender-friendly laws at the policy level. It also involves creating awareness regarding gender-based violence and promoting gender-responsive justice services at the community level.
LACC has been active in conducting awareness campaigns about Human Rights such as SRHR, DRR, and GBV. This has been organized through various workshops, seminars, and the mobilization of trained networks. Furthermore, it works to promote human rights and good governance in Nepal through its various programs and initiatives. It works on human rights and good governance and aims to promote the rights of individuals and communities and to ensure that the government and other actors are accountable for upholding these rights. This includes fighting against corruption and promoting transparency and good governance practices.
LACC works with the government in promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social changes through equal representation and active participation. Besides, envision the representation of women in all state structures, so that meaningful participation of women can be ensured in all levels of decision-making. Further, it empowers grassroots-level women to understand their rights and the legal system capacitates for transformation. It works to change social norms and attitudes that perpetuate discrimination and violence against women. LACC empowers women to promote the rights of women and provide them with the necessary skills and resources to access justice and live a violence-free life.
LACC Nepal (Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre Nepal) is a non-profit organization that aims to enhance women's and marginalized groups' access to gender-responsive justice in Nepal. It provides a wide range of legal aid and support to people in accessing justice, through legal counseling and court representation support, mediation, policy dialogues, community empowerment, and awareness-raising. Prof. Dr. Shanta Thapalia founded it in 1987 with the intention of promoting and protecting the rights and interests of women and children in Nepal. LACC is committed to defending and promoting the dignity, well-being, and rights of Nepalese women and children. It is a pioneer legal resource organization dedicated to the promotion and empow