Manju Marasaini (Advocate/Legal Officer)

Manju Marasaini is women and Human Right lawyer in Nepal. She has obtained her LL.M from TU with specialization on Human Rights and Criminal Law and she also Masters in Sociology with specialization on gender studies. She has been affiliated with Legal Aid and Consultancy Centre (LACC) in different capacity such as a litigation lawyer, and Master trainer. As a program coordinator, she has successfully completed various projects such as enteratianmnet sector working women rights, access to justice and so on. She has served as a trainer and mentor, and has contributed to strengthening the capacities of community people, women law student and other concerned stakeholders. As a litigation lawyer she has not only represented her client at court but also filed various public interest litigations (PIL) in Supreme Court of Nepal to protect and promote the right of women and marginalized groups. She has participated in international trainings, conference as well.